A man embarks on a quest to make peace between two families fighting over the water problem in their district. In a bid to solve this crisis, he...
Rae Ripple, a welder from the outskirts of West Texas transforms neglected metal into works of art and in the process finds healing from her...
Carried by an immersive sound environment that plunges us in the reality and the perceptions of these resilient and inspiring people, this film...
Milagros is a bear who, after experiencing many adventures, decides to fulfil her destiny: preserving her species and telling her story to raise...
“El Apagón: Aquí Vive Gente” is a documentary directed by Bad Bunny and Blanca Graulau. This 23-minute film explores the...
After witnessing an old dark stormy cloud painfully rain and die in sorrow; Noma, a puffy white cloud realizes that Mixtli, her daughter, a dark...
改变的时刻到了! ...
A young painter battling depression finds solace in her art and alcohol, but her inner thoughts eventually surface, forcing her to confront them....
In 150 years, twice marked by total destruction —a terrible earthquake in 1923 and incendiary bombings in 1945— followed by a spectacular...
A taxi driver, already struggling to support his wife and children, finds an abandoned baby in the back of his cab.
ONLY IN THEATERS, a film by actor/director Raphael Sbarge, is an intimate and moving journey taken with the Laemmle family, spanning nearly three...
In seven days, Brianna confronts her chaotic life, battling abuse, workplace politics, and trauma to reclaim her power and rewrite her story.
After tragedy strikes a bustling London neighbourhood, disarray ensues, and our hero becomes lost to their pain. A cherub-like spectre soon appears,...
Two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty street of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler.
Afro Canada is a documentary series that traces 400 years of Afro-descendant presence in Canada. This docuseries, rich in historical and social...
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