Pat Tate embarks on a rampage to avenge his loyal and trusted footsoldier's violent death, venturing beyond his comfort zone of Essex into the dark...
In a tragic turn of events, a young girl becomes an unintended victim of a heinous act committed by a group of rogue law enforcement agents. As her...
A homeless veteran discovers his sister's killer is back on the streets after being released from prison earlier than expected, sending him on a...
A recently jilted dancer follows her ex-boyfriend to his new home, where she insinuates herself into his new relationship.
Elizabeth Carter will again stop at nothing to find her perfect family.
After being in jail for 14 years, Thilagavarman gets out of prison on parole. A cat-and-mouse chase unfolds as Nandhini, a tainted police officer...
Starring Mimi Lana, a disillusioned journalist stumbles across an old polaroid camera showing pictures of tragic events from the future. Teaming up...
In his past life, Liam was hardworking and honest. This got him nothing but debt and betrayal. Now he’s been reborn as the ruling noble of a...
When Light is kicked out of the Concord of the Tribes, his former comrades instantly turn on him. Light escapes this diabolical act of betrayal by...
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