The story of a socially invisible high school senior who, after slipping up and getting the school's biggest bully suspended, realizes he may only...
Close friends Marcus and Holly begin their freshman year at a tough public high school in Baltimore County, Maryland. When Cassie, a well liked...
A mother and her daughter confront the intimidation of teen peer pressure and the emotionally brutalizing social rituals of high school.
Anna sees Jasmine, her former school bully, after years when Jasmine brings her daughter to Anna’s dance class. Anna and Jasmine try to behave...
A spunky teenage girl from Mindoro, moves to Manila to live with her estranged father and study in a prestigious school. She clashes with basketball...
Luiz is a high school student who, by neglecting his studies, gets a failing grade. To help him, the teacher gives Toni the mission to teach the...
A shy, nerdy high school student named Clarence is secretly in love with the most popular girl in school, Lucy, who is dating the school's biggest...
After seeing a friend of his boss' son adopted over his promised promotion with connections, Shrimp's father, a minor white-collar worker Ng...
Because of her looks, Koo Ae-jin is bullied at school and even insulted by strangers. But after school, she leads a secret life: with heavy makeup...
A coming-of-age story that tackles what the young and the young at heart must be brave enough to fight for: family, friendship, and love.
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