A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while...
Shan Cai, whose parents are far from wealthy, attends Ying De University, the private school established exclusively for rich students. Besides being...
Set at a famous high school for the super-wealthy, this is a puppy love story centered on Tsukushi Makino, a poor girl, and the F4 gang of rich kids...
When she suffers from frequent bullying because of her looks, Kang Mi-rae decides to get plastic surgery. However, this leads to more persecution and...
Baek Ho-rang is a high school student. Due to her pretty appearance, she is popular on social media and at her school. Yet, Baek Ho-rang only has one...
Two friends in the past were victims of serious school bulling. One could not resist his trauma, and becomes a serial killer, walking in the path of...
Young artist Shen Yi's life changes when a commission leads to a police case gone wrong. Seven years later, he joins the Criminal Investigation Unit...