A Tear in the Sky takes you on an unprecedented journey into the UAP/UFO phenomenon as we follow a team of world-renowned experts, scientists, and...
Explores the Pyramids of Giza as Egyptologists try to unravel the mysteries and decipher the clues behind these stone giants built over 4,500 years...
Zoo-archeologists, biologists, ethologists and geneticists are leading the investigation. For one thing is certain, the dog is still far from...
Smartphones, computers, gaming consoles or digital tablets are now givens in our daily lives. The electronic intrusion is causing controversy and...
Billions of years ago, Venus may have harbored life-giving habitats similar to those on the early Earth. Today, Earth's twin is a planet knocked...
At the edge of our solar system supposedly lies an immense planet. Five to ten times the size of the Earth. Several international teams of scientists...
The computer animation Outside In explains the amazing discovery, made by Steve Smale in 1957, that a sphere can be turned inside out by means of...
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