The gripping story of legendary American actor John Travolta: his rise to stardom in the 1970s; his agonizing fall in disgrace in the 1980s; and his...
After 40 years, Tom Cruise continues to push the envelope in film. Exposing one's heart to the world through their work is not only risky business,...
A film that shows how "hard" it is to be son of celebrities.
Scientologists at War examines the independent Scientology movement and the high level defectors who have publicly renounced their membership from...
Filmed in Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), An Introduction to Scientology is the only televised interview given by L. Ron Hubbard. In this...
A dim-witted defense attorney fights for justice in defense of a man accused of killing famous Scientologist Tom Cruise and some other individuals...
"Through rare historical and contemporary footage and interviews with more than 160 doctors, attorneys, educators, survivors and experts on the...
Travis—a sex-addicted, multi-lingual Scientologist—travels across Thailand sharing stories and entertaining his company.
A TV special launching Scientology Network, from the Church of Scientology
In this sprawling 33-part epic, Dianetics therapy and the effects it has on human minds are explored.
Leah Remini, along with high level former Scientology executives and Church members, explores individual accounts from ex-Church members and their...
All In Earth's 4 billion year history, nature has solved all of lifes problems, from the highest mountain to the deepest ocean. Evolution is the...
Scientology is the only major religion to emerge in the 20th century. This series takes an unprecedented look behind the scenes into the many...
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