This film tells the tale of the Harper Affair, in which young Jimmy Harper finds his life of promise turn into a life of debauchery and murder thanks...
The Hardys wish to have a quiet evening in their apartment, but are interrupted when the Laurels pay a visit. Stan and Ollie go out for ice cream,...
New York girl has a dull boyfriend and seems destined for a dull marriage when she meets a rich playboy who has money to burn and places to go.
A high-school girl gets involved with a ring of teenage marijuana smokers and starts down the road to ruin. A reporter poses as a soda jerk to...
Drug store soda jerk Bert is a true-crime buff who revels in detective magazines. But he doesn't recognize the notorious gangster he waits on,...
Bosko is a soda jerk, who gives poor service to a mouse and to his former schoolteacher. Later, he must contend with Honey's bratty kitten pupil.
Frankie Kelly is the soda jerk and embryo scientist in Midvales only drugstore. Two murders and an attempted killing suddenly swing Midvale into...
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