In the ancient village of Shivapuram, little Ananthan hears a tale from his mother, Gayathri (Revathi). She tells him that his family comes from a...
Rudra Simhan is a yogi who gave up all worldly pleasures by listening to the call of his soul. When he returnd to his homeland after a long journey,...
Kumaran Thampi, a wizard, is not able to keep his vow of celibacy. This keeps getting him into many troubles, most of which are lethal.
The Bauls of West Bengal are nomad musicians who practice a traditional form of concert challenged by the increasing modernization of India. The...
Rakshasa Tantra is a story of a group of friends who come online on a video call to catch up and chat with each other. Soon they come across...
Alice Levine is stepping out of her comfort zone to embark on a journey of sexual discovery across the UK. Invited into homes all over the country,...
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