An eclectic group of characters set sail on Captain Lansen’s leaky cargo ship in an attempt to escape their various troubles. When a violent...
Two related police officers step into a forest region searching for missing people after a mysterious accident. Thereafter realizing they are lost...
Tough-as-nails adventurer, Neil Stryker, faces immeasurable odds when he comes face to face with a bizarre EVIL CULT preparing for the apocalypse!...
One year ago, Logan mysteriously disappears while on a camping trip. Her welcome home party is thrown into chaos with a series of mysterious...
Edi and his family just moved to a new home near the forest. Edi met a mysterious girl who asked him to play with her in a secret place that only the...
A rancher fighting for his land and family stumbles upon an unfathomable mystery at the edge of Wyoming’s wilderness, forcing a confrontation...
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