After a catastrophic global war, a young filmmaker awakens in the carnage and seeks refuge in the only other survivor: an eccentric, ideologically...
A young couple makes one last ditch effort to recuperate their failing relationship. Taking an impromptu trip to a secluded camping location amidst...
A lonely person decides to take a walk through their almost deserted town. When far from home, it gets dark and the person has to return, living an...
A mother and daughter rent a house for a getaway after suffering a sudden and tragic loss, little do they know the house is run by a secret cult.
A man follows a woman home and enters her apartment; but when he is almost caught he devises a plan to meet her spontaneously without her ever...
A student moves into their accomodation, only to find their room already decorated, a strange, inhuman flatmate, and a kettle that won't stop boiling.
A young girl's brother returns from war with a most disturbing souvenir.
Nicolas finds a VHS tape in a box that his ex-girlfriend left behind. What he watches next will determine her fate... or maybe even his.
Following the death of his wife, 30-something app designer Shawn finds a doppelganger to take her place. Shawn's friends try to help him move past...
In this unsettling psychodrama, Minerva endeavours to connect and care for her grandmother Vina who is experiencing dementia.
After being rejected at a party on New Years Eve, Henri is given unwanted advice by a drunk at a bus stop as he soon realizes something strange going...
Jack Douglas interviews for a position at Egress, the most prestigious company in the world. Disturbed by a confident applicant, the liminal office...
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