The lives of several Japanese families are shattered as the USA and the USSR move toward war, Japan finds itself caught in the middle, and Tokyo is...
Khamis is a terrible football player, while playing football with his friends he shoots the ball away and broke an abandoned museum's window. After...
France, beginning of World War II. Hélène Studler is a nun who has been dedicated to the care of orphans and the abandoned people. But...
年轻的X教授查尔斯(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James...
During the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, Soviet Navy officer Vasily Arkhipov refused to launch a nuclear strike and saved the world from nuclear war...
In Australia, four teenagers in a Sydney theater are astounded to hear the news that a nuclear war has broken out in Eastern Europe. They try to...
Would it be correct to suggest that none of it happened?
From the year 3005, a delegate from the future arrives in 1985 to convince the present leaders make certain World War III happens, which he...
Kampf um Norwegen – Feldzug 1940 is a 1940 Nazi propaganda film directed by Martin Rikli and Dr. Werner Buhre under orders of the Oberkommando...
Long ago, a powerful sentient robot known as GoLion, abused his great powers by attacking and killing creatures known as Deathblack Beastmen,...
When starving mobs begin rioting in the streets of Moscow, Soviet leaders believe they have no recourse but to seize the Alaskan pipeline to force...
Fifteen critical battles that changed the outcome of a world at war and altered our destinies—forever! Now, from the vantage point of 50 years...
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