A grieving young couple suffer each other's company in a stale seaside home. One night, a feral mudcreature appears in their kitchen. Upon washing...
A fellow in a wide-brimmed hat, with a willowy stick for a rod and a baited hook, sits down on a plank hanging over a bridge above a stream. He...
“The watchful father disturbs a dream of bliss, and the bucolic lover is taught a lesson. He made a great hit.” (Edison film catalog)
A short, black comedy set in a world between the living and the dead. After Martin Stevens is killed in a car accident he finds himself in a waiting...
After his wife leaves him, Joaquín brings his mother-in-law back home to look after him and his son.
This fascinating series features Max himself, filmed in live action, sitting at a drawing board and concocting adventures for his star performer...
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