A young woman’s connection with the life force of nature. Using her taxidermy talents to “return” the animals to their natural...
824 years in the future, warring tribes battle for a dying Earth’s scant resources. The subterranean Kukeri prepare for a siege on the...
Ferda Mravenec (Ferda The Ant, 1944 ) runs over ten minutes, telling the tale of an ant colony versus a spider. This one is teeming with characters,...
Residing in a dark swamp at the bottom of a nocturnal forest, a group of gleaming axolotls pursue lustful games. The creatures relish nuzzling one...
An "electronic puppet" version of the Humperdinck opera, adapted for children and using spoken dialogue as well as Humperdinck's music.
An ancient fleet of paper boats is enslaved by the music of a record player; when it breaks down, the boats see an opportunity to rebel.
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