A chronicle of the life of infamous classical composer Ludwig van Beethoven and his painful struggle with hearing loss. Following Beethoven's death...
In Search of Beethoven offers a comprehensive documentary about the life and works of the great composer. Over 65 performances by the world's finest...
When his mother rents their vacant room to a peculiar composer, Christoph can't believe his bad luck. But as the abrasive boarder, Ludwig Van...
"What would the world be like without Beethoven?" That’s the provocative question posed by this music documentary from Deutsche Welle. To...
Lyrical biography of the classical composer, depicted as a romantic hero, an accursed artist.
Can a work of art remain relevant 200 years after its creation? Ludwig van Beethoven’s last completed symphony proves it’s possible.
Glenn is a disillusioned piano teacher, who once aspired to be a concert pianist. He is moving back to his parents house and is on the brink of...
Recording of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Herbert von Karajan playing Beethoven's 8th Symphony.
In the ancient theater of Delphi, against the backdrop of the ruins of the Temple of Apollo, musicAeterna, conducted by Teodor Currentzis, performs...
Leonard Bernstein filmed Piano Concertos 3, 4, and 5 in 1989, but did not live to film the first two. He died in 1990. So Krystian Zimerman, the...
The Beethoven Symphonies Nos. 2 & 7 performed by Seiji Ozawa, who turned 80! Bonus content includes valuable footage of Beethoven’s Choral...
Beethoven spent three years composing the Eroica, an intimate journal of his emotional crises and his dramatic emergence as an original master....
Recording of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Herbert von Karajan playing Beethoven's 7th Symphony.
Showcasing a musical masterpiece in a rare full-length television recording by the Vienna Chamber Orchestra with the Westminster Symphonic Choir,...
Ukufinyelela kwamahhala okungenamkhawulo, Sesha noma yini Azikho Izikhangiso, Izigidi zeziqu futhi zengezwa nsuku zonke, Wonke amapulatifomu nokusetshenziswa ngokugcwele, Noma kuphi nanoma nini