A movie within a movie, created to spoof the martial arts genre. Writer/director Steve Oedekerk uses contemporary characters and splices them into a...
In 1940s Los Angeles, two former boxers-turned-cops must grapple with corruption, narcissism, stag films and family madness as they pursue the killer...
After a fashion model dies during a botched abortion, the doctor stages her death to exonerate himself but is murdered by a mysterious assailant who...
Fictional account of what might have happened if Hitler had won the war. It is now the 1960s and Germany's war crimes have so far been kept a secret....
When a serial killer interrupts the fun at the swanky Coconut Pete's Coconut Beach Resort -- a hedonistic island paradise for swingers --- it's up to...
On February 13, 2017, the senseless murders of adolescent girls Abby Williams and Libby German left the residents Delphi, Indiana shaken. Four years...