Musamoni Panigrahi (1920s–2017), fondly called “Nani Ma” by her neighbours, appears in the centre of this first film in the...
A man from lower social background qualifies and gets an administration job and to match his higher social occupation, he leaves his family, friends,...
The Volunteer Archivists tells the story of Srujanika, a volunteer-led collective in the Indian state of Odisha that archived some of the rarest...
A rural village never wanted to be a city’s landfill or a distant blur in Reels but rather home to new imaginations. Bringing Down a Mountain...
Age old rivalry between two head honchos of Puri, Babu Jena and Loka Nana that leads to the creation of a new Nana in town and ultimately ignites a...
Ukufinyelela kwamahhala okungenamkhawulo, Sesha noma yini Azikho Izikhangiso, Izigidi zeziqu futhi zengezwa nsuku zonke, Wonke amapulatifomu nokusetshenziswa ngokugcwele, Noma kuphi nanoma nini