Rafael, a Seville citizen who has never left the Spanish region of Andalucia, decides to leave his homeland to follow Amaia, a Basque girl unlike...
The 'bertsolari' is a kind of minstrel sings and improvises verses in Basque. This oral tradition has evolved with the times and connecting with...
Documentary on the life of the Basque shepherd and oral improviser (or 'bertsolari') Fernando Aire (1920-1976), known as 'Xalbador'.
Ukufinyelela kwamahhala okungenamkhawulo, Sesha noma yini Azikho Izikhangiso, Izigidi zeziqu futhi zengezwa nsuku zonke, Wonke amapulatifomu nokusetshenziswa ngokugcwele, Noma kuphi nanoma nini