A modern love story set in the near future where an AI building is powered by human feelings. Due to a software glitch, it falls in love with a real...
An anthology consisting of three horror shorts from different Asian directors: Memories by Kim Jee-woon, The Wheel by Nonzee Nimibutr, and Going Home...
Three women meet in a cafe and tell each other ghost stories, from a story of an ancient drum with a hidden past, a magic love potion so strong that...
The legend of King Naresuan continues with this third of four chapters and tells the story of King Naresuan, Thai's chivalric king and warrior in the...
This anthology series reflects societal issues. With a circulating cast of famous actors, each episode presents a new story to remind us that what we...
the story of Sa-ing or Ung-ing, 18 Mongkut, a beautiful girl who repented of being caught by her silly stepfather, selling her to pay off the debt of...
She is spicy, saucy, and gutsy. She will get you every time! Lukkaew is petite in size but big on character and can be feisty. Her nickname is Little...
Sompho has lived with her single mother Nongnuch since birth. They have to contend with a sharp-tongued landlord, Paula. Working at a resort, Sompho...