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Qeydiyyatdan keçmək üçün 1 dəqiqədən az vaxt tələb olunur, sonra Limitsiz Filmlər və TV başlıqlarından istifadə edə bilərsiniz.

00:00:00 / 01:28:00

鴻運當頭 1984 Pulsuz Limitsiz Giriş

鴻運當頭 1984 Pulsuz Limitsiz Giriş

Kind-hearted Fatso Ng earnestly entreats Buddha to save his midget brother Tiger from an early death. In a passionate outburst, he pledges half his lifespan in return for sparing Tiger. It seems to work ....... too well. Fatso had been told last year by reliable fortune teller Big Mouth Kwan that he would have a long life, but his fortune has now changed. Meanwhile, Tiger is making the most of his renewed lease of life, working hard to get into the panties of three busty nurses. Fatso "spoils" the fun by following Big Mouth Kwan advice - avoid sex if you want any chance of changing your bad fortune. Fatso begins to lose his sanity and goes into the hospital. His only hope of being saved is the weird hospital shrink, who believes in the occult.

İş vaxtı: 88 dəqiqə

Keyfiyyət: HD

Buraxın: Dec 28, 1984

Ölkə: Hong Kong

Dil: 广州话 / 廣州話

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