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George Michael at the BBC 2023 Accés il·limitat gratuït

George Michael at the BBC 2023 Accés il·limitat gratuït

George Michael was one of Britain’s best-loved and most acclaimed music stars. With Wham!, the group George formed alongside best friend Andrew Ridgely, he created an 80s phenomenon – heartthrob chart-toppers across the globe and the first Western pop act ever to perform in China. His subsequent solo work took his career to a whole new level, making him one of the key cultural figures of the day. This collection of George’s solo performances and Wham! classics comes from his appearances on a selection of BBC programmes that demonstrate perfectly why he remains so fondly remembered, featuring hits such as Club Tropicana, Freedom, Faith, Outside and Amazing.

Temps d'execució: 89 minuts

Qualitat: HD

Alliberament: Jun 17, 2023

País: United Kingdom

Llenguatge: English

Paraula clau :
Reprodueix en directe milers de pel·lícules i programes de televisió.