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Trading Christmas 2011 Accés il·limitat gratuït

Trading Christmas 2011 Accés il·limitat gratuït

Emily misses her daughter Heather, who is attending college in Boston. Since her father died, Heather is sensitive to her mom’s dependence on long-standing holiday traditions. This Christmas, Heather has planned a trip to Phoenix with her boyfriend, but tells her mother she is staying on campus to study. After Emily arranges a house-swap with Charles, an English professor from Boston who wants Washington State’s solitude in order to finish his novel, Emily hops on a flight to Boston to surprise Heather for Christmas. Unaware of the house swap, Emily’s best friend, Faith walks in on Charles at Emily’s house and in Boston, Ray, Charles’ brother responds to a 911 call only to find Emily at Charles’ condo. Will Christmas travel calamities lead to cross-country romances? Or have there been one too many surprises already?

Temps d'execució: 87 minuts

Qualitat: HD

Alliberament: Nov 26, 2011

País: Canada, United States of America

Llenguatge: English

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Reprodueix en directe milers de pel·lícules i programes de televisió.