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The Wiggles - Pumpkin Face 2013 Accés il·limitat gratuït

The Wiggles - Pumpkin Face 2013 Accés il·limitat gratuït

Hoo-hoo-who has carved out the funniest Pumpkin Face for Halloween? It’s The Wiggles! Anthony, Emma, Lachy and Simon will have your little monsters howling for more when they hear ‘A Friendly Little Spider’, rattling their funny bones when they ‘Do the Skeleton Scat!’, and looking “boo-tiful” when they dress up as ‘Little Vampires’ who just love their cranberry juice! This is no trick, it’s a real treat to hear the fab four of fun join Dorothy, Wags, Henry and Captain Feathersword for Pumpkin Face!

Temps d'execució: 57 minuts

Qualitat: HD

Alliberament: Sep 02, 2013

País: Australia

Llenguatge: English

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