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Saved by the Bell: Wedding in Las Vegas 1994 Accés il·limitat gratuït

Saved by the Bell: Wedding in Las Vegas 1994 Accés il·limitat gratuït

In this conclusion of the long running series it finally happens: Kelly and Zack will marry. Zack's parents are against the early commitment and Kelly's parents can't afford it, so only the gang travels to Las Vegas for the wedding. However, before the wedding can happen, they have to live through many adventures, including Zack losing his hard earned money, Kelly becoming jealous and Slater being chased by mobsters.

Temps d'execució: 90 minuts

Qualitat: HD

Alliberament: Oct 07, 1994

País: United States of America

Llenguatge: English

Paraula clau :
Reprodueix en directe milers de pel·lícules i programes de televisió.