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Registrace trvá méně než 1 minutu, poté si můžete užít neomezené filmy a televizní tituly.

00:00:00 / 00:19:00

Fifteen Love 2022 Neomezený přístup zdarma

Fifteen Love 2022 Neomezený přístup zdarma

Alexandra has been playing tennis for as long as she can remember. After years of training under the instructions of her father, Julio (a retired tennis player who intends to relive his victories through his daughter), she has become one of the most promising junior tennis players in the Spanish circuit. During one of the most important tournaments of the 1978 season, the increasing pressure from her father will exert on and off the court will begin to affect her mental health. With the arrival of adolescence and the questions it brings, Alex will realize that, perhaps, this is not her destiny.

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