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Registrace trvá méně než 1 minutu, poté si můžete užít neomezené filmy a televizní tituly.

00:00:00 / 01:26:00

Mark of the Astro-Zombies 2004 Neomezený přístup zdarma

Mark of the Astro-Zombies 2004 Neomezený přístup zdarma

The existence of mankind hangs in the balance as two warring factions of aliens do battle in Mark of the Astro Zombies. The film begins with an invasion of Earth by aliens who plan to turn human beings into zombies. They gather high-level government officials and attempt to get from them certain knowledge and information they will need. A kind race of aliens lands on Earth and decides to try and stop the evil ones from succeeding with their plans.

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