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Cañonazo Tropical 2015 Neomezený přístup zdarma

Cañonazo Tropical 2015 Neomezený přístup zdarma

When "Tropical Hits" premiered on December, 2015, on National Television, it became the highest-rated documentary ever on Colombian television, with over 4 million viewers. "Hits from yesterday, today and always" is probably one of the most popular phrases known by Colombians, and its one of the phrases that follows the release of the popular December album, 14 cañonazos bailables ("14 dance music hits"), a music compilation that for 54 editions has become the thermometer of Colombian popular music. In 1960, "Discos Fuentes", the oldest record label in Colombia, decided to bet on a new way of producing music, releasing the first mixed album that combined the most important songs of the year. That first album marked a new era in the music production industry in Colombia. "It was like bringing home the disco every Christmas". Since then, the "Hits" have been a mandatory purchase every December.

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