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00:00:00 / 01:47:00

六壯士 2004 Ganzer film deutsch kostenlos

六壯士 2004 Ganzer film deutsch kostenlos

Four men meet up on the rooftop of an office block for an unusual suicide plan. Driven to the edge by problems and stresses, are going to jump off the roof in a protest against the miserable lives of men. They are in for a big surprise when two more unexpected "guests" with the same suicidal intent join them and share a man-to-man talk.

Laufzeit: 107 Protokoll

Qualität: HD

Veröffentlichung: Sep 02, 2004

Land: Hong Kong

Sprache: 普通话

Stichwort :
Streamen Sie Tausende von Filmen und TV-Shows kostenlos.