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通灵之六世古宅 2015 Ganzer film deutsch kostenlos

通灵之六世古宅 2015 Ganzer film deutsch kostenlos

A young girl pretends to be the deceased granddaughter of an ailing grandmother soon to celebrate her birthday. The aged woman does not know her granddaughter has died; thinking she has only left, and the young girl, with her remarkable resemblance, is asked by the family to accompany the grandmother in her last days; posing as her granddaughter in order to cheer her up for her anniversary. The young girl suddenly experiences horrific visions of the dead granddaughter, and her life is threatened when the rest of the family suddenly conspires to kill her. Now in danger, she seeks the truth about the dead girl, while slowly succumbing to insanity as illusion and reality merge.

Laufzeit: 87 Protokoll

Qualität: HD

Veröffentlichung: Jul 24, 2015

Land: China

Sprache: 普通话

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