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00:00:00 / 01:2:00

白衣監禁 1985 Ganzer film deutsch kostenlos

白衣監禁 1985 Ganzer film deutsch kostenlos

A mysterious woman, Jun, comes to the hospital. Jun's disease was called "clitoral hypertrophy," which meant that she swelled to a huge size when caressed. Shunsuke, the doctor in charge, and Akiko, the nurse, but also Kyoji and Hiromi, who were secretly sitting in the back of the examination room, were surprised by its size. As soon as Rinko, who is on duty at the hospital late at night, enters a room, she is attacked by a man whose entire body is wrapped in bandages. Unaware of this, Akiko and her doctor, Kyoji, go straight to a love hotel after finishing their shift. The next morning, Jun visits again, and as she is lying on the examination table with her lower body exposed, a mummy man suddenly appears...

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