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کتابخانه فیلم و فیلم ما فقط توسط اعضا قابل پخش یا بارگیری است

به تماشای رایگان ادامه دهید

کمتر از 1 دقیقه طول می کشد تا ثبت نام کنید و می توانید از عناوین فیلم و تلویزیون نامحدود لذت ببرید.

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SAS and the Normandy Campaign: Operation Bulbasket 1970 دسترسی نامحدود رایگان

SAS and the Normandy Campaign: Operation Bulbasket 1970 دسترسی نامحدود رایگان

This programme follows the deployment of the main body of the SAS, the Recces on targets, the raids carried out both by the SAS and the bombing attacks they called in. As the SAS created havoc to the railway system the Germans were hunting them down. Eventually by the use of torture and information by collaborators the Germans tracked them down to their camp near Verrieres. The majority of the SAS were killed or captured. Those captured were later murdered by the Germans.. Their actions tied up large numbers of Germans in guarding the railways and imposed a severe delay on the movements of the 2nd SS Pz Div to Normandy. A few brave men had an impact on the liberation of France out of all proportion to their numbers

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زمان اجرا: 60 دقایق

کیفیت: HD

رهایی: Jan 01, 1970


زبان: English

هزاران فیلم و نمایش تلویزیونی را به صورت رایگان پخش جریانی کنید.