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Cuir an gnìomh do chunntas AN-ASGAIDH!

Chan urrainnear ach an leabharlann film is bhidio againn a shruthladh no a luchdachadh sìos le buill a-mhàin

Lean air adhart a ’coimhead airson AN-ASGAIDH ➞

Bheir e nas lugha na 1 mhionaid airson clàradh a-steach agus an uairsin faodaidh tu filmichean gun chrìoch & tiotalan Tbh a mhealtainn.

00:00:00 / 01:40:00

Miłość jak miód 2024 Cothrom gun chrìoch an-asgaidh

Miłość jak miód 2024 Cothrom gun chrìoch an-asgaidh

Majka and Agata have as much in common as they divide. They are both over fifty, going through menopause and do not believe that anything in their lives will change for the better. One lives on the Baltic Sea, the other in the Tatra Mountains. One runs a confectionery shop, the other is a successful interior designer. One is a widow, the other is just left by her partner for a younger woman. One devotes herself to her children and grandchildren, completely forgetting about herself, the other has no family and cares about her spiritual development. One day, the friends meet at the funeral of a high school friend. Agata encourages Majka to spontaneously go to the mountains, and she takes her place. The unexpected role reversal brings a number of complications, funny twists and challenges that the women will have to face.

Faclan-luirg :
Sruth mìltean de fhilmichean agus taisbeanaidhean Tbh an-asgaidh.