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Cuir an gnìomh do chunntas AN-ASGAIDH!

Chan urrainnear ach an leabharlann film is bhidio againn a shruthladh no a luchdachadh sìos le buill a-mhàin

Lean air adhart a ’coimhead airson AN-ASGAIDH ➞

Bheir e nas lugha na 1 mhionaid airson clàradh a-steach agus an uairsin faodaidh tu filmichean gun chrìoch & tiotalan Tbh a mhealtainn.

00:00:00 / 01:40:00

12th Hitlerjugend Panzer Division 2012 Cothrom gun chrìoch an-asgaidh

12th Hitlerjugend Panzer Division 2012 Cothrom gun chrìoch an-asgaidh

The most implacable opponents of the British and Canadians fighting in Normandy were the largely teenage soldiers of the Hitlerjugend. From D+1 through to attacking back into the Falaise Pocket, this unique division constantly thwarted Montgomery's plans and exacted a terrible price on the Allies for every mile gained. Formed from 'volunteers' from the Hitler Youth Movement in the aftermath of Stalingrad, this division of boys, aged 17 on recruitment into the SS, came of age and were declared fully operational just before D Day. Coming from a fully militarized society they made exceptional and highly committed soldiers but with officers and non-commissioned officers from the Leibstandarte commanding them, they were to become a ruthless and brutal arm of the Nazi fighting machine that battled towards the Eastern Front. Both Hitlerjugend's alleged atrocities and their remarkable doggedness in battle made them a loathed but grudgingly respected opponent to all who fought them.

Runtime: 100 mionaidean

Càileachd: HD

Saoradh: Jan 09, 2012

Dùthaich: United Kingdom

Cànan: English

Sruth mìltean de fhilmichean agus taisbeanaidhean Tbh an-asgaidh.