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Cuir an gnìomh do chunntas AN-ASGAIDH!

Chan urrainnear ach an leabharlann film is bhidio againn a shruthladh no a luchdachadh sìos le buill a-mhàin

Lean air adhart a ’coimhead airson AN-ASGAIDH ➞

Bheir e nas lugha na 1 mhionaid airson clàradh a-steach agus an uairsin faodaidh tu filmichean gun chrìoch & tiotalan Tbh a mhealtainn.

00:00:00 / 00:8:00

Experiment Three: Broken 2021 Cothrom gun chrìoch an-asgaidh

Experiment Three: Broken 2021 Cothrom gun chrìoch an-asgaidh

Watch drug-addled friends through the eyes of a kaleidoscope. See coloured shapes dance and flail around. Witness people clubbing, getting beaten up, dancing and being used as human guinea pigs – all these in segments held together by two French teenagers finding themselves waiting for Godot. Experiment Three is another trip into the disturbing and bizarre world of public service announcements, contorted into something confronting and colourful.

Runtime: 8 mionaidean

Càileachd: HD

Saoradh: Jul 01, 2021

Dùthaich: Australia


Sruth mìltean de fhilmichean agus taisbeanaidhean Tbh an-asgaidh.