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Deckname Pirat 2014 Acceso gratuíto e ilimitado

Deckname Pirat 2014 Acceso gratuíto e ilimitado

Was my father really a spy, as his file in the former East German Secret Service (STASI) suggests? This question marks the starting point of a son’s journey into his late father’s past which still remains somewhat mysterious even today. Eric Asch is looking for answers – in the Stasi archives, at the NSA and in his own family history. The result is a very personal documentary which reports ironically about the practices of secret service during the Cold War.



Tripulación: ,

Estudo: ,

Execución: 1:47:31 minutos

Calidade: HD

Liberación: Apr 15, 2014

País: Germany

Lingua: Deutsch

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