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트레일러: Monstrum
실행 시간: 26:14 의사록
품질: HD
첫 방송 날짜: Oct 22, 2018
마지막 방송 날짜: May 18, 2023
삽화: 75 삽화
시즌: 6 시즌

Leshy: The Slavic Lord of the Forest
He can grow higher than the trees, or smaller than a blade of grass. Both demon and deity, guardian and antagonist, the Leshy is rooted deep in the...

The Dark Origins of Hansel and Gretel
Hansel and Gretel is one of the most famous fairy tales of the Western world, and contains one of the most notorious witches. In this episode...

The Crazed Hunt for the Himalayan Yeti
Dr. Zarka examines the yeti’s origins, from Tibetan folklore and religion to the Westernized abominable snowman version. She explains how...

Jinn: The Ancient Arabian Shapeshifters
Jinn is a popular character in fiction and their origins continue to influence Islamic cultures today. From the Qur’an to The Thousand and One...

Slender Man: How The Internet Created a Monster
Dr. Zarka explains the timeline of this Internet folklore sensation, examining how unlike so many other monster origins stories, we know exactly when...

What's In My (Go) Bag?
In this special episode, Dr. Zarka shows you what’s inside her “go bag,” a kit of survival supplies she keeps on hand at all times....

Jorōgumo: The Deadly Spider Woman from Yokai Lore
Although able to appear as a beautiful young woman, the jorōgumo is really a deadly spider monster in disguise. This episode dives into the...

Bunyip: Australia’s Mysterious Amphibian Monster
Originating in the stories and beliefs of the southeastern Indigenous peoples of Australia, accounts of the bunyip are widely varied. This episode...

The Fatal Song of the Sirens
This episode explains how sirens appeared in ancient history, from literature to art, and looks at how the half human half bird creatures became more...

Unlocking the Mystery of Loch Ness
While reported sightings of a mysterious creature in Loch Ness go back hundreds of years, it received little global recognition until the 1930s....

The Original Urban Legend: Spring-Heeled Jack
19th century London and the hunting ground of Spring-Heeled Jack. The fire-breathing, wall-leaping, claw-wielding devil attacked women in their homes...

How Gargoyles Became Monsters
Before these stoney grotesques became monsters they were just water spouts. We still adorn our buildings with the carvings and sculptures of the...

The Origins of the Zombie, from Haiti to the U.S.
In the first episode of our three-part special series, we explore the complex history of the zombie—from its origins in the spiritual beliefs...

Why George Romero Changed Zombies Forever
The second episode of our three-part special series looks at the Romero zombie. Considered the “godfather of zombies,” Romero’s...

Modern Zombies: The Rebirth of the Undead
This final episode of our three-part series, brings us to the 21st-century zombie where the monstrous legacy of both the original Haiti zombi and the...

Nuckelavee: Scotland’s Skinless Evil Monstrosity
This horse-like horror of Scottish folklore emerges from the sea bringing death and disease. With origins in Orcadian folklore this demonic creature...

Pontianak: The Vampiric Ghost of Southeast Asia
The pontianak, or kuntilanak, has long been a staple of Malay horror. In addition to serving as an allegory for the tension between traditional and...

Kasagonagá: The Cute, Kind Monster We All Need Right Now
A sky deity falling from the sky sounds bad, right? Not if it’s the Kasogonagá! From the mythology of the Toba peoples of South America,...

In Search of... (1977)
In Search of... is a television series that was broadcast weekly from 1977 to 1982, devoted to mysterious phenomena. It was created after the success...

Myths & Monsters (2017)
This documentary series tells the stories that have gripped imaginations for centuries and reveals the fascinating and unexpected history behind them.

Monsters Among Us (2015)
Monsters. Ghosts. Zombies. From horror movies to Halloween, we see the creatures that go bump in the night everywhere, but where did they come from?

Monster Vision (2016)
In depth reviews of cult, low budget and horror B to Z grade movies.

Sky Monsters (2005)
Pterosaurs are the closest thing to real dragons Earth has ever seen. These giant flying reptiles dominated our skies millions of years ago. Join the...

On the trail of... Champ (2018)
Centuries of lore, sightings and mystery surround North America’s most infamous lake monster, affectionately known as “Champ”.