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Ji bo Tomarbûnê ji 1 hûrdem kêmtire wê hingê hûn dikarin sernavên Fîlim & TV-ya Bêsînor kêf bikin.

00:00:00 / 00:56:00

Les Massacres de Sétif, un certain 8 mai 1945 1995 Gihîştina Bêsînor a Belaş

Les Massacres de Sétif, un certain 8 mai 1945 1995 Gihîştina Bêsînor a Belaş

May 8, 1945, the day of victory over Nazism, is also a day of mourning. In Algiers, thanks to demonstrations for victory, the Algerian flag appears for the first time, thus claiming independence. But in Sétif, the standard bearer is shot dead at the head of the procession and a riot breaks out. The colonial massacre that followed would extend to all of Constantine. The commission of inquiry never delivered its conclusions and an amnesty law erased the traces of this savage repression. Fifty years later, the file is open.

Bi hezaran fîlim û TV pêşandan belaş bikin.