Night mode
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Pirtûkxaneya fîlim û vîdyoya me tenê ji hêla endaman ve dikare were weşandin an dakêşandin

Berdewam temaşekirina BELA

Ji bo Tomarbûnê ji 1 hûrdem kêmtire wê hingê hûn dikarin sernavên Fîlim & TV-ya Bêsînor kêf bikin.

00:00:00 / 00:27:00

Europe Endless 2014 Gihîştina Bêsînor a Belaş

Europe Endless 2014 Gihîştina Bêsînor a Belaş

A day in the European Parliament and surrounding area. This dance film is inspired by the work and lifestyle of the Eurocrats in Brussel’s EU district and features five dancers. The characters dance, run and glide through the empty spaces in an atmosphere beyond time, decontextualized, in an architectural non-site.

Bi hezaran fîlim û TV pêşandan belaş bikin.