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Ji bo Tomarbûnê ji 1 hûrdem kêmtire wê hingê hûn dikarin sernavên Fîlim & TV-ya Bêsînor kêf bikin.

00:00:00 / 00:54:00

Les rendez-vous du samedi 2022 Gihîştina Bêsînor a Belaş

Les rendez-vous du samedi 2022 Gihîştina Bêsînor a Belaş

Diplopia “is a functional vision disorder that results in the perception of two images for a single object” (Clément Chéroux). Antonin Peretjatko literally brings this double vision to the screen. He uses it to tackle one of the issues approached in Yellow Saturday – the perception of the so-called Yellow Vests protest movement, a lengthy political episode that has fuelled the media in their field-based battle to portray the demonstrators.

Keyword :
Bi hezaran fîlim û TV pêşandan belaş bikin.