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00:00:00 / 01:27:00

The Last Exorcism 2010 Aċċess Unlimited Ħieles

The Last Exorcism 2010 Aċċess Unlimited Ħieles

After years of performing “exorcisms” and taking believers’ money, Reverend Marcus travels to rural Louisiana with a film crew so he can dispel what he believes is the myth of demonic possession. The dynamic reverend is certain that this will be another routine “exorcism” on a disturbed religious fanatic but instead comes upon the blood-soaked farm of the Sweetzer family and a true evil he would have never thought imaginable.

Runtime: 87 minuti

Kwalità: HD

Rilaxx: Aug 27, 2010

Pajjiż: United States of America, France

Lingwa: English, Latin

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