Minato Narumiya reignites his passion for kyudo, the Japanese martial art of archery. Along with his friends in the school kyudo club, he returns for...
After successfully won the Tokyo qualifying tournament, Chihaya and her friends are set to go on to the nationals. As they prepare, Chihaya is faced...
The story follows a group of baseball players who after having quit playing baseball are reunited by fate after enrolling in the same high school. At...
Josie finds herself seemingly trapped within an alternate dimension which she inadvertently created by taking Victor's power source, the floating chi...
High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having...
The Sakuragoaka Girls' Academy curriculum traditionally focuses on the three "R"s of reading, writing and arithmetic, but Ritsu Tainaka wants to add...
Koshi Torako has everyone fooled. Her classmates see her as the perfect honor student, unaware of her secret delinquent past. But her new picturesque...
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