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Registrácia trvá menej ako 1 minútu a potom si môžete vychutnať filmy vo formáte neobmedzené z filmu a televízie.

00:00:00 / 01:27:00

Youth in Revolt 2009 Bezplatný neobmedzený prístup

Youth in Revolt 2009 Bezplatný neobmedzený prístup

As a fan of Albert Camus and Jean-Luc Godard, teenage Nick Twisp is definitely out of his element when his mother and her boyfriend move the family to a trailer park. When a pretty neighbor named Sheeni plays records by French crooners, it's love at first sight for frustrated and inexperienced Nick. Learning that she is dating someone, Nick launches a hilarious quest to find his way into Sheeni's heart -- and bed.

Beh programu: 87 minút

Kvalita: HD

Uvoľnenie: Sep 11, 2009

Krajina: United States of America

Jazyk: English, Français

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