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E laʻititi ifo nai lo le 1 minute e saini ai i luga ona mafai ai lea ona e fiafia faʻatasi i ata tifaga & televise.

00:00:00 / 01:33:00

映画ドラえもん のび太の太陽王伝説 2000 Maua fua leai se faʻatagaina

映画ドラえもん のび太の太陽王伝説 2000 Maua fua leai se faʻatagaina

Doraemon and its friends open a hole in the time and they're travel to the Country of Mayana, a lost Mayan civilization in the jungle. There, Nobita will know its perfect double, prince Thio, heir to the throne. Both will decide to interchange papers to try to save to the Country of Mayana of the claws of the infernal Ledina witch and her evil forces.

Tafe fia afe o tifaga ma TV faʻaali fua.