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00:00:00 / 01:39:00

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory 1971 Hyrja Falas e Pakufizuar

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory 1971 Hyrja Falas e Pakufizuar

When eccentric candy man Willy Wonka promises a lifetime supply of sweets and a tour of his chocolate factory to five lucky kids, penniless Charlie Bucket seeks the golden ticket that will make him a winner.

Koha e ekzekutimit: 99 minuta

Cilësia: HD

Lirimi: Jun 29, 1971

Vendi: United States of America

Gjuhe: Français, English, Italiano, Deutsch

Transmetoni mijëra filma dhe shfaqje televizive falas.