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Duhet më pak se 1 minutë për t'u regjistruar, kështu që ju mund të shijoni tituj të Filmit dhe TV të Pafund.

00:00:00 / 01:49:00

My First Mister 2001 Hyrja Falas e Pakufizuar

My First Mister 2001 Hyrja Falas e Pakufizuar

Leelee Sobieski is brash, abrasive and vulnerable as a teenage child of divorce who hides her pain behind a mask of hard-edged gothic rebellion. Albert Brooks plays a man who is her total opposite, a precise and well-ordered menswear store owner of forty-nine who manages limited expectations and protects lonely secrets with pleasant ritual and quiet, ironic reserve. These two total opposites collide in conflict then come together in a surprising alliance, changing each other's lives forever.

Transmetoni mijëra filma dhe shfaqje televizive falas.