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Vazhdoni ta shikoni FALAS

Duhet më pak se 1 minutë për t'u regjistruar, kështu që ju mund të shijoni tituj të Filmit dhe TV të Pafund.

00:00:00 / 00:1:00

Sametoví vrazi 2005 Hyrja Falas e Pakufizuar

Sametoví vrazi 2005 Hyrja Falas e Pakufizuar

A thriller loosely based on one of the most violent Czech criminal cases of the nineties, popularly known as the Orlík murders. The film delves into the motivation behind the killings, exposing their exceptional cruelty and an absolute absence of moral values. The perpetrators executed four people on their way to achieving material gain. Two of the bodies were found at the bottom of Orlík reservoir, the third perished in a bomb blast, and the forth was shot at home...

Fjalen :
Transmetoni mijëra filma dhe shfaqje televizive falas.