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00:00:00 / 01:29:00

Wonderful World 2009 Libreng Walang limitasyong Pag-access

Wonderful World 2009 Libreng Walang limitasyong Pag-access

Ben Singer is a failed children's folk singer, a career proofreader, a less-than-extraordinary weekend dad, and perhaps the most negative man alive. Floundering in all aspects of his life, Ben's only comfort comes from regular chess games and friendly debates on game theory with his Senegalese roommate Ibou. When Ibou is suddenly struck ill, Ben's pessimistic worldview seems unequivocally confirmed. It takes an extended visit from Ibou's sister Khadi for Ben to realize that cynicism may be all a matter of perspective.

Libre ang pag-stream ng libu-libong mga pelikula at palabas sa TV.