Night mode
ھەقسىز ھېساباتىڭىزنى قوزغىتىڭ!

بىزنىڭ كىنو ۋە سىن ئامبىرىمىزنى پەقەت ئەزالارلا كۆرەلەيدۇ ياكى چۈشۈرەلەيدۇ

ھەقسىز كۆرۈشنى داۋاملاشتۇرۇڭ

تىزىملىتىشقا 1 مىنۇتتىن ئاز ۋاقىت كېتىدۇ ، ئاندىن چەكلىمىسىز كىنو ۋە تېلېۋىزىيە ماۋزۇلىرىدىن ھۇزۇرلىنالايسىز.

00:00:00 / 00:55:00

The Roswell Coverup: 75 Years Later 2022 ھەقسىز چەكسىز زىيارەت

The Roswell Coverup: 75 Years Later 2022 ھەقسىز چەكسىز زىيارەت

Conspiracy, cover-up and condemnation... Those brave enough to share their stories from that mysterious night in Roswell 1947 faced humiliation and intimidation. 75 years later, as all those who had first hand knowledge of the event have now passed, the truth may never be accepted. We take a look back at the first hand accounts of those who saw, held and were instrumental in disclosing what the government could not, the crash of an alien spaceship. Diluted over the years, this documentary re-examines and focuses on the personal experiences, from witnessing a close encounter to traumatic military threats, which the ordeal had on unwitting bystanders within the Roswell community.

Runtime: 55 مىنۇت

سۈپەت: HD

Release: Feb 01, 2022

دۆلەت: United States of America


ئاچقۇچلۇق سۆز :
مىڭلىغان كىنو ۋە تېلېۋىزىيە پروگراممىلىرىنى ھەقسىز تارقىتىڭ.